
to the Cognition & Action Research Group

The group is situated at the Department Sport Science, Chair for Training Science. The Chair is part of the Faculty for Humanities at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.

We are affiliated with the Center for Behavioral and Brain Sciences (CBBS) and work in close collaboration with colleagues from the neuroscience community in Magdeburg.

Our research seeks to understand human brain changes, it’s behavioral triggers (training) and behavioral consequences (transfer). We use methods from sport- and neuroscience in both experimental and more applied settings.

Conceptual links between projects:

  • Training-induced performance improvements (i.e. skill- and transfer-related outputs) are input-specific and subject-specific.
  • Performance improvements are mediated by neural mechanisms that encompass distal (e.g. physical exercise-induced influx of signal proteins and metabolites into the brain) and proximal (e.g. overlap of trained and task-specific neural networks) processes.
  • The coordinative, energetic and cognitive demands during training raise an individual’s potential for improved performance. This potential may (or may not) unfold under new – and presumably more challenging and complex – situations (e.g. collective behavior, presence of opponents/time pressure).

Research foci

Training-induced Brain Plasticity

Training-induced Brain Plasticity


Cognitive Abilities and Behavior

Cognitive Abilities and Behavior


Prof. Dr. Marco Taubert Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Bereich Sportwissenschaft

Please contact me
